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Out now: three new books in the Complexity and Management series

With contributions from students and faculty of the Doctor of Management programme and others interested in taking complex experience seriously, this series continues the conversation about complexity in organisations.

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Selected reviews

Complexity and Leadership

Anthony Giddens, Member of the House of Lords and Life fellow of King's College, Cambridge, UK

"'The future ain't what it used to be' – never was American satirist Yogi Berra's quip as relevant as it is to our current age. A global swirl of change, ranging from the digital revolution through to geopolitics, is invading almost every area of our lives. This volume is an indispensable guide to the dilemmas and possibilities of leadership in the context of these complexities, informed both by theory and practice."

Sabina Siebert, Professor of Management, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, UK

"The picture of contemporary leadership is complex, and this volume wonderfully captures this complexity providing valuable insights into the practice of leading people in organizations. The contributors to this book avoid simple recipes and platitudes about leadership, and instead they question the myth of truly harmonious relations between organizational actors. A really engaging bottom-up and participatory approach to research."

The Complexity of Consultancy

Prof. Hugh Willmott, Bayes Business School

"This timely book is for reflective managers as well as consultants who are unconvinced or disillusioned by conventional wisdom. It proposes a ‘grown up’ approach that moves away from the easy idealizations and simplifications of organizational realities and consultancy interventions. Based upon insights born of curiosity and lived experience, each chapter deals with the ‘dirt’ and explores the ‘shadows’ of organizing and managing. Emphasizing the importance of increased self-understanding and deeper sense-making, this path-breaking book urges and advances the adoption of more thoughtful, less self-defeating means of grappling with the demanding, contradictory practices of managing and consulting."

Dr. Patricia Shaw, Co-founder of the Doctor of Management Programme at University of Hertfordshire

"How stimulating to encounter a text that probes those discomforting experiences that arise during consulting processes, and, rather than explaining them away or trying to avoid them, shows how discussing these frankly and thoughtfully unearths a fertile ground for informing ethical action."

Complexity and the Public Sector

Mark Learmonth, Professor Emeritus, Nottingham Trent University

"Across the globe, it is widely assumed that management is natural and universal, serving everyone’s interests equally. So it is refreshing to read a new book which challenges these assumptions in the context of public services, and which recognises the interests being served by the managerialist systems which now dominate many country’s public sectors. Its international set of authors all hold senior positions and are trying to get things done, in spite of the ideological dominance of today’s quasi-competition and league tables. Their work is complex, and any successes are often paradoxical, but their personal narratives in the book are all the more compelling for the challenges involved. Their stories represent vital reading for anyone who wants to make a similar difference when faced with the neoliberal modes of governance that have become so widely used in today’s society."

Danny Mortimer, Chief Executive of NHS Employers, Deputy CEO of the NHS Confederation 

"Resonates absolutely with the reality and tumult of public sector leadership. The authors clearly describe the realities of improvement in the public sector, and help our understanding of the mismatch between overly simplistic rhetoric and the complex reality leaders and their teams experience."

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