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The three latest volumes in the Complexity and Management series are out now.

The Complexity of Consultancy:

exploring breakdowns within consultancy practice

Karina Solsø, Nick Sarra and Chris Mowles (eds)

Complexity &


Kiran Chauhan, Emma Crewe and Chris Mowles (eds)

Complexity &

the Public Sector

Karen Norman and Chris Mowles (eds)

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Recent publications

An Anthropology of Parliaments. Entanglements in democratic politics

Emma Crewe, 2021

From Routledge:

The Anthropology of Parliaments offers a fresh, comparative approach to analysing parliaments and democratic politics, drawing together rare ethnographic work by anthropologists and politics scholars from around the world.

Read for free online

Complexity: a Key Idea for Business and Society

Chris Mowles, 2021

From Routledge:

This book interprets insights from the complexity sciences to explore seven types of complexity better to understand the predictable unpredictability of social life. Drawing on the natural and social sciences, it describes how complexity models are helpful but insufficient for our understanding of complex reality.

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The archive

Crewe, Emma (2021) An Anthropology of Parliaments. Entanglements in democratic politics. London: Routledge.

Crewe, Emma and Walker, Andrew (2019) An Extraordinary Scandal. The Westminster expenses crisis and why it still matters. London: Haus.

Crewe, Emma (2015) Lords and Commons: a short anthropology of Parliament. London: Haus Curiosities.

Crewe, Emma (2015) House of Commons: an anthropology of MPs at work. London and New York: Bloomsbury.

Crewe, Emma and Axelby, Richard (2013) Anthropology and Development: Culture, morality and politics in a globalised world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crewe, Emma (2005) Lords of Parliament: manners, rituals and politics.Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Crewe, Emma and Harrison, E. A. (1998) Whose Development? An Ethnography of Aid. London; New York: Zed Press.

Flinn, K. and Mowles, C. (2014) A Complexity Approach to Leadership Development: Developing Practical Judgement, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education Stimulus Paper.

Griffin, D. & Stacey, R. (eds.) (2005) Complexity and the Experience of Leading Organizations,London: Routledge.

Herzka, M. and Mowles, C. (2015) Risiko, Unsicherheit und Komplexität: Grenzen des Risikomanagements, in Hongler, H, and Keller, S. (eds) Risiko und Soziale Arbeit. Diskurse, Spannungsfelder, Konsequenzen, Bern: Verlag.

Macintosh, R., MacLean, D., Stacey, R. & Griffin, D. (2006) Complexity and Organization: Readings and conversations, (eds.), London: Routledge  ISBN 0-415-35241.

Masua, D., Mowles, C. & Sarra, N., (2019) What we talk about when we talk about leadership in South Sudan. In: Development in Practice. 30, 1, p. 1-11 11

Mowles, C.Filosof, J.Flinn, K.Mason, P., Culkin, N., Andrews, R. & James, D.Transformational Change in the Higher Education Sector: an inquiry into leadership practice, 15 May 2019, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.

Mowles, C. (2017) Experiencing uncertainty – on the potential of groups and a group analytic approach for making management education more critical, Management Learning, vol. 48, 5: pp. 505-519.

Mowles, C. (2017) Group analytic methods beyond the clinical setting – working with researcher-managers, Group Analysis, vol. 50, 2: pp. 217-236.

Mowles C. (2017) Ralph Stacey: Taking Experience Seriously. In: Szabla D., Pasmore W., Barnes M., Gipson A. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp 1237-1255.

Mowles, C. (2015) Managing in Uncertainty: Complexity and the Paradoxes of Everyday Organisational Life, London: Routledge.

Mowles, C. (2015) The Paradox of Stability and Change: Elias’ Processual Sociology , in  Garud, R., Simpson, B., Langley, A., and Tsoukas, H. (Eds) The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations, Oxford  Oxford University Press :pp.245-271.

Mowles, C. (2014) Complex, but not quite complex enough: the turn to the complexity sciences in evaluation scholarship, Evaluation, Volume 20, Issue 2: pp. 157 – 172.

Mowles, C. (2013) Evaluation, complexity, uncertainty: theories of change and some alternatives in  Wallace, T., Porter, F. and Ralph-Bowman, M. (eds) Aid, NGOs and the reality of women’s lives: a perfect storm, Practical Action Publications

Mowles, C. (2012) Keeping means and ends in view: linking practical judgement, ethics and emergence, Journal of International Development, July Vol 24, Issue 5: 544-555.

Mowles, C. (2011) Rethinking Management: radical insights from the complexity sciences, London: Gower.

Mowles, C.  (2011) Planning to innovate: Designing change or caught up in a game, Perspectives in Public Health, Vol 131, No 3, 131: 119.

Mowles, C. (2010) “Successful or not: evidence, emergence and development management”, Development in Practice, Volume 20, Number 7, 757-770.

Mowles, C. (2010) Post-foundational Development Management: Power, Politics and Complexity, Public Administration and Development, Volume 30, issue 2,149-158.

Mowles, C. (2010) “The Practice of Complexity: Review, Change and Service Improvement in an NHS Department”, Journal of Health Organisation and Management, Vol 24, Issue 2.

Mowles, C. (2009) “Consultancy as Temporary Leadership: Negotiating Power in Everyday Practice”, International Journal of Learning and Change, Vol. 3, No. 3: 281-293.

Mowles, C., Stacey R. & Griffin, D. (2008) What contribution can insights from the complexity sciences make to the theory and practice of development management? Journal of International Development Volume 20, Issue 6, Pages 804-820, August 2008.

Mowles, C. (2008 ) Complexity and the Experience of Values in Required Ways of Working: Conflict and Compromise in Aid Agencies, in Stacey, R. and Griffin, D (eds.) Complexity and the Experience of Values, Conflict and Compromise in Organisations, Routledge: London.

Mowles, C. (2008) Values in International Development Organisations: Negotiating Non-negotiables, Development in Practice, Vol. 18 (1): 5-16.

Mowles, C. (2007) ‘Promises of Transformation: Just How Different Are Development INGOs’, Journal of International Development, Vol. 19 (3): 401-412.

Norman, K. (2005) The experience of clinical risk assessment in the health sector. In Stacey R, Griffin D, eds. Complexity and the Experience of Managing in Public Sector Organisations, 110-136. Milton Park: Routledge.

Phillips, N., Norman, K. (2020) A case study of frontline nurse leadership informed by complex responsive processes of relating. J Clin Nurs. 29(13-14):2181-2195.

Renshaw, M., Tucker, P., & Norman, K.(2020) Becoming fall-safe : a framework for reducing inpatient falls. British Journal of Nursing, 29(20):1198-1205. 

Shaw, P. & Stacey, R. (2006) The experience of risk, spontaneity and improvization in organizational change: working live, London: Routledge.

Stacey, R., Griffin, D. & Shaw, P. (2000) Complexity and Management: fad or radical challenge to systems thinking, London: Routledge.

Stacey, R.(2001) Complex Responsive processes in organizations: learning and knowledge creation, London: Routledge.

Stacey, R. (2001) Complexity and the Group Matrix, Group Analysis, 34, 2, pp. 221-240.

Stacey, R. (2001) The emergence of knowledge in organizations, Emergence, 2, 4 pp23-39.

Stacey, R. (2001) What can it mean to say that the individual is social through and through, Group Analysis, 34, 4, pp457-472.

Stacey, R. (2003) Complexity and Group Processes: A radically social understanding of individuals, London: Brunner-Routledge

Stacey, R. (2003) Learning as an Activity of Interdependent People, The Learning Organization, Vol. 10 No 6

Stacey, R. (2005) Affects and Cognition in a Social Theory of Unconscious Processes, Group Analysis, 38, 1, pp159-176.

Stacey, R. (2005) Organisational Identity: the paradox of continuity and change at the same time, Group Analysis, 38, 4, pp477-495.

Stacey, R. (2005) Social Selves and the Notion of the ‘Group-as-a-whole’, Group, Vol. 29, No. 1.

Stacey, R. (2005) Organisational Identity: the paradox of continuity and change at the same time, Group Analysis (December)

Stacey, R. & Griffin, D. (eds.) (2005) A complexity perspective on researching organizations: taking Experience Seriously: London: Routledge

Stacey, R. (ed.) (2005) Experiencing Emergence in Organizations: local interaction and the emergence of global pattern, London: Routledge.

Stacey, R. & Griffin, D. (eds.) (2005) Complexity and the Experience of Managing in the Public Sector, London: Routledge.

Stacey, R. (2006) Theories of Change in Therapeutic Work, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol. 11, No. 2, 191-203.

Stacey, R. (2007) The Challenge of Human Interdependence: Consequences for thinking about the day to day practice of management in organizations, European Business Review, Special Issue – Views from Global Thought Leaders: Current Status and Future Direction, Vol. 19, No. 4.

Stacey, R.D. and Mowles, C. (2016) Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics: the Challenge of Complexity to Ways of Thinking about Organizations, London: Pearson Education, 7th Edition.

Stacey, R. & Griffin, D. (eds.) (2008) Complexity and the Experience of Values, Conflict and Compromise in Organizations, London: Routledge.

Stacey, R. (2010) Complexity and Organizational Reality: Uncertainty and the need to rethink management after the collapse of investment capitalism, London Routledge.

Stacey. R. (2011) Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics: the challenge of complexity to ways of thinking about organisations, London: Pearson Education (6th Edition). ISBN-13: 978-0-273-70811-7

Stacey, R. (2012) The Tools and Techniques of Leadership and Management: Meeting the challenge of complexity, London: Routledge.

Van der Gaag, A. and Mowles, C. (2005) Values in Professional Practice, in Speech and Language Therapy –Issues in Professional Practice, Anderson, C. and van der Gaag, A. (eds.), London: Whurr.

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